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Muscles Involved in the Golf Swing

Back of golfer taking a swingThe whole body is involved during the complex movement of the golf swing. Power potential is developed by the co-ordinated efforts of the muscles of the body during the swing. The power is transferred to the golf ball at impact to propel it towards the target.

The table below is a summary of the most active muscles in each phase of the swing in a right-handed golfer: Backswing, downswing, acceleration, early follow through and late follow through.

By understanding the component parts of the golf swing, and where muscles are most active a golf specific exercise program targeting specific muscles in the specific phases of the golf swing can be developed. Such a program could improve function that may result in improvements in accuracy and distance. Such a program may also reduce the risk of sustaining a golf-related injury.

Muscle Activity During The Golf Swing

Phase of Swing Left Lower Body / Trunk Right Lower Body / Trunk
Back Swing Erector Spinae (26%)
Abdominal Oblique (24%)
Semimembranosus (28%)
Long Head of the Biceps Femoris (27%)
Forward Swing Vastus Lateralis (88%)
Adductor Magnus (63%)
Upper and Lower Gluteus Maximus (100% and 98%)
Biceps Femoris (78%)
Acceleration Biceps Femoris (83%)
Upper and Lower Gluteus Maximus, Vastus Lateralis (58%)
Abdominal Oblique (59%)
Gluteaus Medius (51%)
Early Follow Through Long Head of Biceps Femoris (79%)
Vastus Lateralis (59%)
Gluteus Medius (59%)
Abdominal Oblique (51%)
Late Follow Through Semimembranosus and Vastus Lateralis (42%)
Adductor Magnus (35%)
Vastus Lateralis (40%)
Gluteus Medius (22%)

For further information on muscle activity during the golf swing or any other golf injury matter contact Synergy Healthcare today.


Synergy Healthcare | 02 9522 2125