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Acupuncture at Synergy Healthcare

Acupuncture is an ancient healthcare modality originating in Asia over 2,500 years ago. Acupuncture is taught and practiced in leading tertiary institutions and hospitals around the world and has been shown to be an effective alternative to pharmaceutical products without any adverse reactions.

Benefits of Acupuncture

In addition to aiding in relaxation and allowing patients to enjoy a sense of calm, acupuncture has been shown to help a variety of conditions, including sore muscles, joint troubles, stress and more.

At our practice, patients of all walks of life can enjoy acupuncture performed by a licensed professional. We’re certain you’ll feel relaxed and comfortable during your time with us.

Rodd Sanchez, Acupuncturist

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Rodd Sanchez is accredited and an associate fellow with the Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association and all major private healthcare funds.


What is acupuncture?

A popular form of Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture has been practiced for thousands of years. This natural therapy has been used worldwide to address various health concerns.

For an increasing number of Australians, acupuncture is becoming the preferred therapy to manage different conditions. Acupuncture has been extensively researched worldwide with considerable evidence-based results.

How does acupuncture help the body?

Acupuncture improves the body’s functions and encourages the natural self-healing process. It does so by stimulating specific sites on the body. These are called acupoints. The most common technique used to stimulate acupoints is the insertion of fine, sterile needles into the skin. Other ways to stimulate acupoints include acupressure, heat therapy (moxibustion) and therapeutic Low-Level Light Laser.

What are some conditions that may respond to acupuncture?

It is best to speak with your Acupuncturist to see if they may be able to help.

What can I expect during the first acupuncture consult?

First, our acupuncturist will ask about your health history. If you have had any recent medical tests such as X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, recent blood test results and reports from your GP or specialists, please bring those to the appointment. This information is valuable as it helps us to get a complete picture of your medical history. Then, an appropriate care plan can be devised.

Our acupuncturist will employ different diagnostic tools that are specific to Chinese medicine. He will perform a visual  tongue diagnosis, inspecting the shape, form, colour and consistency. A pulse diagnosis also will be performed, possibly followed by some additional physical evaluations depending on your health needs.

Using these unique assessment tools, our acupuncturist will be able to recommend a proper care plan to address your particular condition. To begin the acupuncture session, you lie comfortably on a special table while precise acupoints are stimulated on various areas of your body. Cupping, Gua sha or Tuina (Chinese massage therapy) may also be included in your session.
If you’re wondering if acupuncture will be painful, please note that the majority of individuals feel no or minimal discomfort as the fine needles are gently inserted. The needles are usually left in between five and 30 minutes. During and after treatments, people often report a deep sense of relaxation.

How many sessions will I need?

Your Acupuncturist will discuss a care plan with you during your initial consultation.

Can I claim on my private health cover?

Acupuncture is covered under all private health funds, and claims can be made on HICAPS at reception.

Learn More About Acupuncture

Are you wondering if acupuncture will work for you? Perhaps you have questions or concerns about the process. If so we invite you to meet with our caring acupuncturist. During this 15-minute complimentary information session, he will explain how acupuncture works, and let you know whether acupuncture is right for you.



Acupuncture Sylvania Waters, Miranda, Taren Point, Sutherland Shire NSW | 02 9522 2125